With online marketing being the number one source for attracting homebuyers, it is essential that you make a great first impression. Adding the 3D Virtual Tour feature to property listings will showcase them in a unique and intriguing way. Whether the homebuyer is searching property listings day or night, the virtual tour experience can peek their curiosity and provide a virtual walk through 24/7.
According to the National Association of Realtors, homebuyers are turning to the internet as their primary resource for researching available properties. In fact, NAR published statistics from 2018, which indicated that 50% of homebuyers found their homes online.
Buyers are busy and any downtime is often internet browsing. So why not capture their attention by taking advantage of implementing 3D virtual tours into your most impressive listings. The 3D interactive virtual tours with floor plans allow the viewer to virtually explore the properties, inside and out and visualize being in the home. With floor plans connected to the virtual tours, potential buyers can meander through the rooms at their own leisure as the interactive feature holds their attention.
3D Tours Multiply Your Efforts
For the real estate agent, the 3D tour feature multiplies your efforts, saves you time and money and is working for you around the clock, whether you’re with another client, in a meeting, or enjoying downtime with your own family. This is an ideal way to scale your business and provide an open house experience online.
Property showings won’t be hindered by time or distance restrictions. The high quality 3D Interactive Virtual Tour will enable those out of town buyers to see the property details and tour it from miles away. This is an important factor for the properties that offer limited showing times and the buyers who need to purchase property or relocate quickly. Also, the virtual tour is just as beneficial to the local family that wants to learn as much as possible about a property before a showing and deciding to make an offer.
Increases Buyer Sense of Ownership
Having access to a virtual tour that is connected to a floor plan gives the viewer an opportunity to consider the layout of a home as they decide if it will accommodate their personal criteria. The interactive tour feature delivers an intuitive sense of a home, as viewers immerse themselves into the details and experience the property at their own pace. It improves the buyer experience and even helps to speed up the decision making process attracting interested, qualified buyers.
A virtual tour attracts viewers (statistics show that listings with virtual tours attract 40% more online views) and keeps the viewer engaged for a longer period of time in comparison to a traditional listing of still images or written descriptions. For the long distance buyer, the real estate agent can engage in a phone conversation from the office while virtually touring a home simultaneously with the potential buyer. This enables you, the agent to have easy access to property details so questions can be readily answered whether it pertains to flooring materials, property square footage, or countertop surfaces.
For the Agent, your listings with 3D interactive virtual tours will give you an advantage over your competitors leveraging your time and giving you more productive and effective online marketing. When you have virtual tours crafted by a professional photographer, you will have a high-end presentation showing the great characteristics of the property, creating quality showing appointments resulting in offers.